P.S. I will try to post the pics he sent in the next couple of days. Thanks for your patience!
so i just remembered something in the Mexico city airport after you get through the costums check and all that there is a big sign that says "INCOMING FLIGTHS" haha. it made my day pretty fantastic. but then i forgot because i had to catch another filigth... hahahahaaa..
back to the present. i am doing quite well. i am enjoying my companion pretty much always except in the mornings when he wakes me up early to go "running" he played american football in highschool and absolutely loves excercise. so we go to a local park and i watch him run for 30 minutes every day. haha. i hate loathe and dispise mornings. to me there is nothing more important than my 8 hours of precious precious sleep. but i do enjoy being a good companion so i put a smile on and jog my way over to the park. most of the days this past week it was raining when we woke up so i got to take a little break from that. Today he woke me up and i told him no... i told him that we are going to play Futbol for 2 hours there is absolutely no reason to go excercise. he wasnt happy and calle me lazy and all that but i stayed in my hammock until the alarm sounded. :) it was quite niice... but we get along good and i am happy with the way things are going... it is crazy to think we have been together for 2 weeks already. time is flying and i will be in the home stretch before you know it.
i think i am getting fat... the sisters of the church here feed us sooo good. i dont eat a lot but there are always sodas and cookies and snacks in my hands because they just wait for us to come by to shower us with goodies. haha. but i am enjoying it while it lasts because not all my areas are going to be like this one. i hnestly believe that i am in the best area in the mission.
we are teaching some great people but when sunday comes around something always comes up. they arent understanding the importance of going to church and that is essential in their baptisms. i think we are going to have to drop a lot of people this week to find new investigators who are interested in keeping the commitments. i know that there are chosen people just waiting for us all we need to do is find them. havent baptized in a while and we dont have anyone for this weekend so it looks like i am not going to have anyone in august.. :( a little sad that things are going so hot in the work but i think things are turning around. we are definitely going to baptize the 4th.
GOOD NEWSSSSS.. is that this last saturday my most recent convert went to the temple to do baptisms for the dead and then sunday she got up in front of everyone to give a special testimony of the temple and the church. She is solid. happy to know her.
also one of my first converts named Cristhian is preparing for his mission and this sunday recieved the melquisedec(spanish) piesthood. :) i am so pumped for him. we are going to baptize one of his cuisins in september. he is excited about the mission and only has 9 months left to wait. i hope that the missionaries guide him after i go from here. he is a ward missionary so he has a calling and some work to do.
things are going great. progressing a lot and as always i am learning a ton. i send my love to all the family.
i got some letters this week and if you have written me be sure that in about a month you will get a reply. mexico takes its time sending things to the states. thanks a ton to all of you who love me and supprt me.
keep it coming because i will always need it.
the Church is true. Un Senor Una Fe Un bautismo.
take that literally and you find yourself knocking on the door of salvation.
the power of salvation and the KEYS were lost after the daeth of Christ. the Church that He established disappeared because the people rejected the Prophet and Savior. and if the didnt believe in the SON OF GOD how are they going to baeieve His Apostles... they were all killed or lost.
Through out time God has always ALWAYS had prophets to guide and direct His children and His church. why would that change???
i KNOW that God has chosen and elected Prophets to guide us and teach us in these latter days. starting with Joseph Smith up to today we have the Prophet Thomas S. Monson.
there is no logical doubt no spiritual doubt and no FEAR of doubt.
i bear this testimony of the truth in the name of our living savior Jesus Chist, Amen.
with love,
Elder Jeffree D. B. Elrey
p.s. isnt San Andres a beautiful place?