hey hey hey.
this last week was a strange one... first things first. WE HAD A BAPTISM! yaaaaay and also it was just a wierd week. we taught a lot of lessons and stuff but it felt like we were getting nothing done. we went from an amazing sunday of having 12 investigators in sacrament meeting to a desolate 0 this past sunday. so strange to have so many people excited about the church and a baptism and in a matter of days everything changes and they are hiding from you. haha. it was almost depressing. i love the people here and when one of them accepts a baptismal date and gets excited it seemes to magnify the love i feel. and when they fall or drop us completely it destroys me. so yesterday was tough for that reason. but also i can feel the change coming up. transfers are in a little more than a week and i am starting to feel nervous. i am still focused on the area and the people here but i dont want to leave. i have almost 6 months here and i love this place. leaving my first area is going to be tooooooouuuuuugh. all because i feel like this is my home and the branch ismy family... they are all soo strong. it is inspiring to see the change in the lives that i have been about to be apart of. the kid we baptized this last week is 16 and was into some pretty normal rebelious teen things and through our words and the testimony of the spirit he completely changed his life in just about 2 weeks. Sergio accepted his baptismal date in the first lession and never looked back. yesterday was his confirmation and i when we got to the church i commented that we forgot to bring him a tie, and he replied to me that "the only thing that matters is that i am here" in spanish of course but he is really excited to sonn recieve the priesthood and start participating in the sacrament. also he has been invited to do some family history work and prepare to go to the temple to do baptisms. he is a great kid and in the picture i look tan. haha. just to see if you are all listening. that was a highlight and i am pretty sure he is already my strongest convert. haha. i am excited for him. i am pretty sure that my companion is going to baptize his family in the next change here. they are all super nice. also all of the people that had dates for this saturday to come have all fallen back to the 25th so i wonk get to see any of them get baptized either. bummer but i knoew that there will be success waiting for me in my next area if i continue working hard here. i know without a doubt that the Lord works through each of us as his children to prepare others to accept the gospel of Christ.The Church is true... it was restored by the power of the priesthood and it is operated by the same. we are blessed to know itand feel it. i admonish all who read this to take into account the importance and power of prayer. to pray daily with all of your might. i am absolutely sure that in time or instantly you will feel, see, and know the blessings that God has instore for you.
i love this Church. i know that some who read this are not sure of its truth but i am positive and i am willing to put my name down to bear witness that the One True God in Heaven has established this His Church for us to live Freely and happily here in the earth
may He love and bless you all,
Elder Elrey
p.s. how funny is that picture of my companion with the G.I. Joe doll... haha.
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