anyway we had the goal of 3 baptisms this week and we were workuing hard to get it... we only had 2 with set dates and a sister who ha been going to church for a while with her member children who was on the edge of making a decision. Nicolas and Faustino both were good to go and Faustino got dunked on thursday and Nicolas on Saturday. but with this sister we had no idea what to do becuase she had heard all the missionaries for over a year tell her she HAS to get baptised... so we went and shared a few scripture from King Benjamins talk in mosiah 2:22-24 about obedience and then we went over to 2nd nefi 31 11 and 12 wher the Father commands us to repent and be baptized in the name of His Son and then Christ comes and promises the Spirit as He recieved it( in abundance) then we listened to the testimony of her 18 year old daughter and sang her the primary song about rainbows and baptism and invited her for thursday to be baptized. .... .... she said YES! laid it down. such a powerful moment. she then wednesday had her interview and all was well and then thursday morning it aaaallll went down. Friday morning we go to visit and we were back to square one some how.... :( all the progress that we had made she just erased... Satan knows how to attack and when to do it... it was painful to watch but it was just not her time i guess... we are still working with her and trying to figure the situation out so that she can be baptized soon.
so as i said Faustino the guy in the picture with just me and my comp. he is awesome. just a pure desire to follow Chritst and change his life for the better. he got baptized on thursday and saturday night got sick with fever and wasnt gonna be able to go to church and be confirmed but asked some other elders that we live with to give him a blessing and he woke up feeling just good enough to get to the first hour and then stayed for the second as well. and Nicolas... he is amazing. in three short weeks has gained the respect of every member in the ward. he goes every sunday to church with two small children and with faith gets there 10 minutes early every time. his wife works sundays and doesnt show much interest in the church and he has both the boys to watch after on the weekends. his service was planned as well for thursday with Faustino but our president visited them and the wife showed and interest in asisting the serveces and so with changed it to saturday afternoon. all went smoothly and he showed up on sunday right on time like always with Nico Jr. and Carlitos in his arms. i love and respect those two guys and know that they are inn Gods care and under the influence of His Spirit.
numerous blessings are awaiting me...
i love God with all my heart and i know that i am not perfect in anything i do... but i know that i am doing the best i can to reach the potentialthat He has given me.
i love you,
p.s. I accidentally erased ALL of my pictures of almost my WHOLE mission on thursday night....
it happens...
1500 memories lost in the air somewhere....
that has been my motto recently...
"it happens"
stay posative
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